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About Aaron Golden
About Aaron Golden

Aaron Golden, Denver-based artist

I am the anti-art artist. No set medium, size, style, colors, or subjects. I create for the sake of creating, for my sanity, for therapy, and because I believe that there is an artist in all of us just waiting to express themselves. I don't believe in being pretentious, overpricing my art for financial gain, or thinking that my art is anything but paint on canvas, but with a purpose.

Art encompasses 3 things for me. First, it should evoke some sort of emotion in me, either during the process or the end result. Next, it should make the audience think or feel, whatever that may be for the individual. Look at my work and simply absorb the art and pay attention to how it makes you feel. Finally, I want my art to bring to light some sort of change, whether that be social change, personal growth, motivation for the viewer, or bringing to light charities.

So, enjoy my art, collect, feel, think, grow within yourself and your community, using it as an inspiration.


Aaron Golden, AKA Agrius

Aaron Golden, Denver-based artist

I am the anti-art artist. No set medium, size, style, colors, or subjects. I create for the sake of creating, for my sanity, for therapy, and because I believe that there is an artist in all of us just waiting to express themselves. I don't believe in being pretentious, overpricing my art for financial gain, or thinking that my art is anything but paint on canvas, but with a purpose. 

Art encompasses 3 things for me. First, it should evoke some sort of emotion in me, either during the process or the end result. Next, it should make the audience think or feel, whatever that may be for the individual. Look at my work and simply absorb the art and pay attention to how it makes you feel. Finally, I want my art to bring to light some sort of change, whether that be social change, personal growth, motivation for the viewer, or bringing to light charities.

So, enjoy my art, collect, feel, think, grow within yourself and your community, using it as an inspiration.


Aaron Golden, AKA Agrius